We often hear theoretical scientists say things like "we discovered another dimension" or two and maybe this sounds impressive; depends on the person. One way to conceive of how this situation exists is to consider how string theory posits dimensions all around us but with loops so outside of our scale of common life as to have gone unnoticed[1]. An extremely large circle compared to our reference size will seem like a line to us, and an extremely small circle compared to our reference size will seem like a point. There are no straight lines; something fun to consider. It's also worth considering the implications that the cartesian dimensions we think of as going on forever to infinity could similarly be extremely large cycles, circles, loops, etc. If you've ever considered fractals such as a Koch snowflake and wondered what the length of its edge is, the answer is: it depends on how many iterations are done. If it were to have infinite iterations then the length of the edge would be infinite in spite of being in a finite space! This is an abstract way of illustrating that the length of something measured depends on the measuring tool... which ultimately leads back to ourselves; no observation has been made without an observer and this evincement of physical effect of this phenomenon that is commonly known from the dual-slit experiment in physics applies to all other types of measurement (maybe scary to think about hehe), but I digress.
There's a slowly spreading awareness that, in fact, what is meant by extradimensional phenomena or beings is that these are extradensital; satisfying the claims of occupying the same space but being separated but only a tiny distance or being our "higher selves". This can be seen by analyzing things like tesseracts into number lines, if you're into that[2]. There was a popular idea of being out of phase to explain this (like phasers in star trek and scenarios based on this where things or beings would be put our of or brought into phase) which isn't really wrong, it's just a sort of a less developed idea since how to shift phases without these being able to interact is logically inconsistent and against the connectivity of the universe. This relates to moving from 3D to 4D/5D where the latter Ds are better interpreted as the word density. Instead of dimensions with extension, densities with intentions are the domain of these supernumary.
The implications of this are vast (like "discovering the universe" that we didn't know was there) and include things like psychic abilities, telepathy, the nature of our reality and ourselves and every "thing" since by our very act of logical definition, it is in relation to what's is outside of the thing without considering what is inside.
- ^ String theory - Brian Greene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF4ju6j6aLE
- ^ Thinking outside the 10-dimensional box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwAD6dRSVyI