Khazarian Mafia

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The Nazi / khazari Mafia took power in Europe, Japan, and the United States after the pre-planned 9/11 attacks in New York. This section is run by George W. Bush Sr., David Rockefeller and his staff. Their plan was to exterminate 90 percent of the world's population through starvation, disease and war. Efforts to kill people with biological weapons, including SARS, bird flu, Ebola, etc., have continued since George W. Bush Sr. took office in 2000. In order to create widespread hunger, they spread various diseases for crops to destroy agriculture. They also gave farmers around the world generous subsidies to produce bioethanol instead of food products. As a result, 33 countries around the world went hungry. Their action was stopped by the World Bank.

The group is also trying to create nuclear accidents in Korea In order to create widespread hunger, they spread various diseases for crops to destroy agriculture. They also gave farmers around the world generous subsidies to produce bioethanol instead of food products..). As a result, 33 countries around the world went hungry. Their action was stopped by the World Bank. The group has also tried to create nuclear incidents in North Korea, Iran, Syria and other countries. At present, with the offer of Australia, ASEAN, Japan and Korea, as a reward to China, are trying to create a third world war in the South China Sea. The members of this group are the descendants of a pastoral tribe known as the Hyksiobi. This tribe became the ultimate master thousands of years ago in enslaving human beings. Their methods are to enslave, control and monopolize food and information, and organized violence (armies, police, intelligence services, etc .

They know that if Trump becomes president, he will arrest the great leaders of the Caspian mafia inside the United States.

Text sourced from @discovertruth0